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Payment method(User policy)
Sorry for the inconvenience, but we ask for your advance payment.
 If you can confirm it two days in advance, you can change the date or refund.
 If you have difficulty with the following bank transfer or credit payment, please contact us.
 ATM procedure (it may take 3 days to confirm payment) Yuutyo Bank Branch name: 〇一九 store (ゼロイチキユウ store) Deposit type: current account number: 0099419 Kana name (recipient name): フアミリ−
 (If you use the Yuutyo Bank transfer form, please use the form that allows you to enter the number 6 in the center of the account number. Account number 00130-6-99419 subscriber name ファミリー)

←(Credit payment from the left button※procedure